© David SixNominated Album

Album Beschreibung

Neun Werke für Musiker:innen, die Improvisationen mit erheblichen Veränderungen des ursprünglichen Materials ermöglichen, ohne die Absicht der einzelnen Stücke zu beeinträchtigen: »Intimate, melodic jazz instrumentals that touch you deeply the first time you listen to them. The vinyl edition is a prime example of the added value a physical release can provide.«
(Mint) »Es ist schwer, [dieser Musik] widerstehen zu wollen oder zu können.« (Neue Musikzeitung) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★  »hauntingly played by superb performers« (jazzreportagen.com) »captivating, intriguing and thought-provoking throughout!« (simply talk jazz) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★  »무엇보다 이 모든 과정과 결과가 숨 막힐 정도로 아름답다는 것이 이번 앨범의 가장 큰 미덕이다. The album's greatest virtue is that the process and the result are both breathtakingly beautiful« (Komeda)

Release Datum


UPC Code

9008798463749 EAN