Projekt Beschreibung
You could call Ostinato one of the rare Austrian REAL-Jazz-Rock bands! It played in many different formations, always featuring some of the best musicians of Austria! 1974 it was founded by Tommy Böröcz und Claudius Jelinek. Further members of the group: Hannes Seidl (later part of Minisex) on keyboards and Gogo Weinberger on bass. Percussion was needed and the young talent Andy Steirer was the right man. In the next years slowly the group grew and other great musicians of austria were added, like Bobby Dodge (tb), Harry Sokal Ts), Peter Ponger (P), Peter Paul Skrepek (G), Bumi Fian (Tp), Wolfgang Puschnig (As) Rens Newland replaced the guitar position in 1981(it was time to refresh the band) On bass Heinz Jäger, on piano Robert Schönherr, who was alternating with Robert Kastler.