© Ralph König (wildundwunderbar)

Projekt Beschreibung

Styrian humour packed into melodious, well-matured songs that oscillate sweetly between Chanson, Swing, a bit of Jazz, a little Pop and a pinch of Folk Music. The instrumentation of Seitinger&Maierhofer, based on an almost classic jazz band line-up (guitar, double bass, drum set, 2x vocals), is sonically enriched by the Styrian harmonica and instruments such as vibraphone, mbira or washboard. The Liedermacher*innen duo Johanna Seitinger and Lukas Maierhofer tells stories of everyday life, of local customs and emotional ups and downs and breathes life into these stories with virtuoso fellow musicians. Their songs are performed in the Styrian dialect of the region Mürztal, which gives them a special authenticity.