© Samuel Huwyler
Projekt Beschreibung
Imagine a fusion between one of Switzerland’s finest Jazzbands and their musical counterparts from Austria: the result would be a transalpine musical cataclysm of epic proportions. But actually, there is no need to even imagine this – the combination already exists, and they are well on their way to achieving cult status. The quartet „The Great Harry Hillman“ plus the trio „Edi Nulz“ equals the septet „The True Harry Nulz“: two bass clarinets, two guitars, two drums and an electric bass to tie it all
together . On their first album „FUR FISH BANANA“ they confront the unsuspecting listeners with clever arrangements, unison stereo-effects and improvisational eruptions in between soothing indie-rock and barbaric free punk.
Austro-Helvetia-Power at its finest!
Siegmar Brecher
David Koch
Dominik Mahnig
Valentin Schuster
Julian Adam Pajzs
Samuel Huwyler
Nils Fischer