Nominated Newcomer© Alix Drakulic

Newcomer Resume

Simon Bauer studied music, composing and fine arts. His projects since 2022: Prädikat IV multimedia album release (+ videos & lyrics), "Nicolai" rap debut album release, release of "Nine Songs based on poems by Egon Schiele for vibraphone and voice" and string quartet "Fall der Engel" (Universal Edition), release of rap album "Growing and Becoming" feat. KEZI, concerts in Austria and southern Germany (Stuttgart, Vienna, Klagenfurt,...), exhibitions and performances at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, direction and arrangements for "Tribute to Freddy Mercury" Norbert Artner Chor Kärnten, finalist of the Ö1 Talentbörse composition prize, studio recording Prädikat V (release September 2024).