Newcomer Resume
In 2012 the Tyrolean drummer received the "Young Masters Scholarship" of the Outreach Festival in Schwaz and in 2013 the "Marianne Mendt Award". 2013 - 2020 studies jazz drums with Herbert Pirker (focus on media composition/computer music) at the ABPU in Linz. In 2016 he won the Austrian "Falco.prize" with the band "pm love explosion". In 2021 he received the TonArt Tirol Jazz Award in the category "Album of the Year" for the release of the Max Plattner Trio's "II". In 2024 he was selected by the Saalfelden Jazz Festival for the "Melting Pot" project.
Besides his own bands (Ploy, Max Plattner Trio & Fudge Summer) he performs internationally with Animali Notturni, Euregio Jazzwerkstatt, David Helbock, Miss BunPun, Insomnia Brass Band, Steph Kondert, Andrea Motis, Karl Ritter and others.