Nominated Newcomer© Luca D'Agostino

Newcomer Resume

Thomas Quendler was born on 16.11.2000 in Wolfsberg, Carinthia. I was interested in music from an early age and started playing the Styrian harmonica at the age of 8. At the age of 13 I started to learn the piano and at the age of 15 I also began to focus on jazz piano.At the age of 17 I started studying jazz piano with Robert Bargad at the GMPU. Since 2020 I have been studying jazz piano at the KUG with Olaf Polziehn. I completed my studies in the summer semester of 2024. I am involved in various projects. I play piano in the bands OriginalNerd and Kernfusion, which have already released their debut albums. In January 2024 I recorded the debut CD “Awaking” with my trio the “Thomas Quendler Trio”. This CD will be released in spring 2025. My aim is to share my joy of jazz with everyone.