Update: Submission without application until August 25


An entry in the "Directory of Austrian Music Projects with Jazz Reference from 2022" on jazzpreis.at is now also possible without applying for one or more award categories ("Live Act", "Album", "Newcomer"). The registration and submission deadline has been extended to 25 August.

Some points of criticism and suggestions for the design of the Austrian Jazz Awards were made on social media. In any case, thank you very much for that - contributions keep alive the concern to make the Austrian jazz scene more visible to a larger audience.

One component of this greater visibility is the presentation area "Directory of Austrian music projects with a jazz connection from 2022", which has now also been opened to projects that do not want to take part in a voting. Any link to existing databases is welcome. The registration/submission deadline has been extended from 15 to 25 August.

  • As of August 2, 87 music projects have been registered so far, making musical activities of a total of 364 musicians visible.
  • So far, the following have applied for the individual categories: Live Act 23, Album 64, Newcomer 19. So there is obviously a special need to create appropriate public perception for jazz-oriented albums.
  • The "Academy" consists of 67 people to date and will cast its voting from September 1-15. The small 7-member jury of experts, which selects the winners from 10 nominees each, is currently in the development process. Dieter Glawischnig has already confirmed the chairmanship. The composition of the personnel will be announced in good time.

We ask you to take a look at the website jazzpreis.at. Surfing through the content of the menu items "Submissions", "Artists" and "Projects" opens up many interesting contributions to the diversity of the Austrian jazz scene. The possibility of registration without applying for a prize has now been released. It would be nice if all relevant Austrian formations would appear in the overview. Many organizers have signaled to us that they will use the tool as a decision-making aid for their programming.

On Tue, August 13, there will be a lecture + discussion on the next "Austrian Jazz Summit" and the "Austrian Jazz Awards" as part of the jazz seminar in Schönbach at 7 p.m.

Here are some important clarifications:

The Jazz Prize takes money away from other funding areas of the jazz scene

All sponsors attach importance to the fact that the provision of financial resources was made exclusively for the concept of realizing an Austrian jazz awards. On the contrary, money is invested in the jazz scene.

The Jazz Prize was carried out by the ÖMR, although there were concerns and counterarguments from musicians

The minutes of the 8 working groups from the first "Austrian Jazz Summit" in May 2023 show that the majority wanted a "yes, but": Use the 2024 window of opportunity to establish a "lighthouse project" and at the same time advance the essential topics such as Fair Pay, Booking, Jazzfest Vienna, etc.

Someone wants to make themselves important

The ÖMR has the task of setting cultural policy accents even in music sectors in which there is no representation of interests. According to the study "Austrian Report on Musical Diversity" (mdw 2012), the jazz/improvised music/world music segment has the worst media presence of all music genres in Austria, despite university education courses.

You will see on the website who applied but was not nominated

No, as soon as the voting of the "Academy" ends in mid-September, only the 10 nominees of each of the 3 categories will appear in "Submissions". All others are still present in the neutral "Directory of music projects related to jazz in Austria since 2022" (see "Projects" and "Artists").

I still don't participate

As a democratically and participatory funding project, no one is compulsorily obligated and participation naturally always remains within the scope of individual decisions.

On June 17th, a meeting took place with the new board members of the ÖMR Stefan Heckel, Marina Zettl, Yasmine Hafedh, Mahan Mirarab and Katrin Pröll. The focus was on getting to know each other, music policy perspectives and planning the next "Austrian Jazz Summit" in October. According to the current state of planning, statements on the three topics of "Fair Pay", "Situation of Organisers" and "Booking" are to be opened in the first block and then discussions will take place in working groups and in plenary. After a short break, the topics "Diversity", "Jazzfest Wien Nachfolge" and "Funding (KSVF, foreign guest performances, ...)" will be presented and discussed in the same way. In the end, it should be clarified who wants to stay on these topics. The planning group is open. Anyone who still wants to join is welcome. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to office@oemr.at or reply to this e-mail message. The Austrian Music Council - as an umbrella organisation of interest groups in the field of music - is connected to UNESCO, currently has 37 member organisations and is oriented towards the "Five Music Rights", see www.oemr.at

Please send contributions (questions, criticisms, ...) to office@jazzpreis.at or by phone at +43664 4213373

Sincerely, Harald Huber (Project management Austrian Jazz Awards) on behalf of the entire team

Proponents: Sabine Reiter (mica-music austria), Katrin Pröll (IG world music), Andreas Felber (Ö1 jazzredaktion), Christoph Huber (porgy & bess), Harald Huber (ÖMR), Günther Wildner (ÖMR)

Sponsors: BMKÖS, City of Vienna, Jam Music Lab University, Romedius GmbH