Projekt Beschreibung
Ambros meets Thelonious Monk, Nestroy meets Cole Porter, Johann Strauss meets Chick Corea. What does "Austrian" music sound like, and how can it be translated into the language of jazz? Jazz pianist Lukas Meißl explores this with his "OSTstyrian Rhythm Section" (Max Kreuzer on bass and Andreas Reisenhofer on drums). Familiar melodies ("Schifoan," "A Glockn," "Rock me Amadeus") were deconstructed and reconstructed, and new compositions were created, drawing on 200 years of Austrian musical tradition, from Wienerlied to film music. The "Great Austrian Songbook" is a loving exploration of the "Homo Austriacus," realized on CD and vinyl in 2023/24 with special guests Ines Reiger (vocals), Christian Bakanic (accordion), and Peter Kunsek (clarinet).